Food For Thoughts
Orang Paling Ganteng di Sheffield
Sebuah eksperimen lanjutan bagaimana agar saya bisa muncul di tingkat teratas pencarian untuk kata kunci orang paling ganteng di Sheffield.
October 11, 2024 (1y ago)
Are We Hypocrites?
A reflection on integrity, hypocrisy, and self-improvement—featuring Gandhi's wisdom, corruption dilemmas, and Efek Rumah Kaca.
February 14, 2017 (8y ago)
How Many Things Are We Missing As We Rush Through Life?
A true story of world-renowned violinist Joshua Bell playing incognito in a Washington D.C. metro station—and being ignored. What does this reveal about our perception of beauty, talent, and the things we overlook in life?
November 28, 2013 (12y ago)